Want termite control in Ridgefield that works?

The Western Subterranean Termite and the Dampwood Termite are the two main species found in the Ridgefield area. Termites can be found in many different areas of your home, with the most likely area being the crawlspace or the garage. As these insects can rapidly spread damage throughout the foundation of your home or business, it is important to get regular initial inspections from pest control companies. But what if the inspection finds them? If that’s the case, call termite extermination services in Ridgefield, with several different effective treatment plan options.
Termite Treatment depends on termite species
Some varieties of termite, such as Dampwood Termites, don’t require any treatment because they need a high moisture content caused by a leak in the wood to survive. If you fix the leak and repair the wood, you will most likely also eliminate the Dampwood Termites. Subterranean Termites are another story because they will do major damage and can go undetected for a very long time. They get their moisture from the ground, which is where they nest while foraging up to feed on your home. To get from the ground, they will need wood-to-ground contact, or they can build mud tubes to get from the ground into the structure. For long-term control of termite activity, it’s essential to use the appropriate pest control services.
What kind of termite removal do I need?
This all depends on what kind you have in your home. Like many common household pests, termites have specific roles they play, and each type is a different size and behaves in different ways.
- Swarmer termites are black in color and have wings that are double the length of their body. They’re intimidating but don’t do much damage. However, they’re the primary reproducers of the colony.
- Soldier termites are about ⅜ inch in size and have a reddish-brown head and cream-colored body. You will not see the subterranean termites out in the open except when they fly in the fall as the humidity changes.
- Worker termites are small, about ¼ inch, and are creamy white in color. They forage for food, protect the colony, and feed reproducers. They’re the ones that eat the wood in your home and cause the most damage, which may require pest control treatments to ensure your home stays safe.
Dampwood Termites

Dampwood Termites are about ½ inch to 1” long and also have swarmers that are reddish-brown in color. During the fall, many people see the larger Dampwood swarmers and are concerned they may have a pest issue. However, it is unlikely that Dampwood Termites are in your home. They’re more likely in a stump around your property. These termites will range from 1/8th” to 1″ in length, and the flying or swarming termites are often seen around the exterior lighting of homes.
This termite is commonly seen in September and October when we experience changes in temperature and humidity. Homeowners call requesting Dampwood Termite control in Ridgefield because they see these termites swarming out of the ground by the hundreds or even thousands. The good thing about this termite is that they need very high moisture content in the wood to survive. In most cases, if you have that much moisture, your real problem is a leak in your home. Fixing the leak will probably solve your problem without further pest control treatments.
Choose us for thorough termite extermination
Before any termite control treatment is done, a complete inspection needs to be performed to determine where the termites are getting in. Termites can get into a crack about the width of a credit card, so it’s imperative to check the whole home before planning the best effective treatment plan for each individual home. If termites are discovered in the crawlspace, we recommend long-term control through termite treatment of all the wood in the area with Bora-Care, a penetrating borate that will protect the wood. Bora-Care is a long-lasting product that will protect for 10+ years. We will also do a spot treatment with a termiticide where any live termites are found in your crawlspace.
Another control option we can provide is the Sentricon Always Active Baiting System. Termites actually prefer to go for the Always Active bait more than wood, which helps keep the colony controlled and keep your home safe for the future. Sentricon Systems are a great option when you want reliable service for all of your home’s termite problems.
Another pest control service we provide is the Sentricon Always Active Baiting System. Termites actually prefer to go for the Always Active bait more than wood, which helps keep the colony controlled and keeps your home safe for the future. Sentricon Systems are a great option when you want reliable pest service for all of your home’s termite problems.
If termites are found coming up through the concrete in the garage using mud tubes, it may be necessary to do a sub-slab injection with a termite-killing product along the wall where the activity is, in addition to the crawlspace treatment. In some instances, we use a baiting program if that is the best course of termite prevention.
Our Termite Control, Termite Inspection and Termite Treatment is Guaranteed
Our termite control services are one of the most comprehensive services that we provide and involve treating the whole home to protect the structure against reinfestation. That’s why they come with a minimum one-year guarantee. Longer warranties are available depending on the type of products used and where they were applied. This means that you can call us confidently, knowing that we’ll take care of the problem and and address any additional requests. And if for some reason we don’t, we’ll be back to make it right. So if you see termites in your home, don’t panic! Call or contact us today for termite control in Ridgefield so you can have a clean, pest-free home.
The Killers also offers termite control services in Beaverton, and more!